Tuesday, April 5, 2011

666 Event Article: Zombies + Water

666 Event Article
Written by: Greg Simmons

Ahh, the wonderful world of zombies is well upon us and many people have yet to realize some of the finer details about humanity’s common enemy. Ignorance. I bet you were thinking zombies right? Well yes, those buggers are pretty bad as well, but our lack of knowledge about them is far worse.

There is one detail that I have yet to see anyone discuss on the net so I have taken it upon myself to handle the burden. Being the only survivor for one of the incidences I assure that I am fully qualified to touch on this matter.

Zombies and water. What is the connection between the two?  I’m sure most of you have seen zombies wandering around a small pond but never swimming across it. 

Well, zombies cannot swim

However, they can walk… and I’m not talking walking on water but underneath it. Go ahead, laugh if you must. But I am a living fact that it is true!

When the Gilgamesh Effect day one hit off, everyone started to panic (“Flesh eaters on the loose! Run!”) only a few managed to hold off the hordes of the once-dead beings. Some of the only places on the planet that staved off the infected were some of the smaller secluded islands. I’m talking about those small islands in the Pacific, like Guam, Marshall Islands and even some of the French Polynesia, not those big freaking tanker sized ones like Cuba and New Zealand.

These islands were small and easy to control what was coming onto the island, and since everyone thought zombies couldn’t swim anyone was in too much of a worry. Out there on the island it was almost like everything was back to normal.

Then one day you wake up to find everyone running around, shooting wildly at everything that moved. Everyone screaming franticly like a broken siren. Inhaling smoke from the surrounding building trying not to cry while keeping your head clear of panic so you can think of what do and then holding your sister’s hand trying to get both of you off this hell island alive…

Once again, zombies can walk underwater, I’m not sure how or why, but they can. It was almost intelligent how they did it really. I went from island to island after my escape heading west towards New Zealand, Australia or whatever large landmass with lots of running room I landed on first. However, the zombies were a step ahead of me each time. It reminded me of something I heard in history class as a boy listening to my teacher lecturing about WWII and a strategy called “island hoping.”

Anyhow, I finally managed to land on Australia.

I end this net addition by once again telling you that- yes, zombies can walk underwater. I have seen them rise out of the bluish green water myself. Watched them devour countless people trapped on a small amount of land with no running room. So stay away from water! It’s not the sanctuary you believe and always give yourself plenty of running room.


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