Sunday, April 3, 2011

Update on Tablet Six's future

Dear readers/followers/advice-seekers,

I am really excited to say that there is a lot of Tablet Six activity going on this April. Basically, how I like to roll, is to jam as much awesome as I can into a short amount of time because, let's face it, tomorrows are never guaranteed. (Especially with a bunch of the Gilgamesh Effected running/walking/crawling around.) So let me get you excited and then you go get someone else excited and then we can have a whole slew of excitement. (Just remember not to squeal! Loud noises are, again, not recommended.)

First let me just thank everyone who has sent me articles with their own updates and tips for helping to survive the effects of the Effect. 

Due to numbers and making April awesome, I am going to make April 6 a date to remember. 
On the 6th I will post 6 new articles from 6 individuals as part of the newly created event that will happen every month on the sixth. As usual the writers will have their names posted with their respected articles. Now, what makes this a big deal? Why should you care that your article is a part of the 666 (apart from helping your fellow man and the clever use of the number 6)? 

This leads me into my next piece of exciting news!

Later in the month the launch of the official Tablet Six website will be happening. I'm talking about a website of beauty, blood, and information packed into the most sincere and mind-boggling url you've seen in a while. It will be like this blog...on crack. 

The 6 writers will be the first of many 666 winners posted on the site for the world of the Gilgamesh Effect to see. So, don't forget to write an article for Tablet Six and send it in to the email- or Facebook message me at Tablet Six.

Also, take part in the referral game! Get 6 of your friends to add me on Facebook and have your picture and a short bio posted on the Tablet Six website! That also goes for people who write!

Thanks for reading guys. I hope you're staying perfumed and alert.

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