Tuesday, April 5, 2011

666 EVENT: Religious Cults Going too Far

666 Event Article
Written by: Thomas Snell 

Being too cocky, just in general, can be a bad thing. However, being uber cocky when it comes to religion, especially when the Gilgamesh Effected are around, is an impulse you should shy away from.

 The world in total has been changed by the presence of zombies. That is a no-brainer. But, I must say, I was genuinely surprised when I heard of the uprising of the various “religious” cults throughout America, using zombies as a form of God’s judgment.

Yes, you read right. Zombies = Religious test.

Let me better explain.

Calling in from Southern Alabama are one of groups of men and women who strongly believe that zombies are just tools that God uses to pick out the “Chosen” and the “Damned.” This group goes from city to city, hulling up in abandoned buildings and then sending a few members out to bag and tag a male and female Gilgamesh Effected. Then, under the veil of night and amidst about fifty crazies, they let their “most devout” walk into a pit to await the Judgment.

Basically, not all zombies completely devour their target human. Some just bite and walk (limp/crawl/Thriller dance) away. Again, scientists still are confused on that one. While other members of the walking dead complete the deed so well that said victim never arises again.

So, in a nutshell: If you are completely devoured, mangled beyond repair, you are apart of the Chosen. Meaning, God has approved your passage to life after death. On the flip side, if you are just bitten and in consequence turn into the dead, you are apart of the Damned. God has denied you life after death and damned you to walk the Earth for eternity as a crazed, sack of lifelessness.

Pretty intense right?

They put their beloved and most “religious” members into a pit with two zombies and wait to see what’s God’s will.

Now, I don’t like to throw my religious opinions out there, but joining a religious group like that just seems like a lose/lose.

-“Hey, want to know if you’re damned to Hell or going to Heaven? It’s so easy!”
--“Sure! What do I need to do?”
-“Go stand in that homemade pit in that abandoned warehouse.”
--“Sounds easy enough! Then what?”
-“Let two zombies either rip you to shreds or turn you into one of them!”
I feel like no one get’s the good deal in that scenario.

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